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10 February 2024

Biden 2024: Will He Run Again and Should He?.

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Joe Biden, at 81 years old, has officially launched his campaign for reelection in the 2024 presidential race. Facing minimal opposition within the Democratic Party, Biden's bid for a second term sets him up for a possible rematch with Donald Trump, who is currently the frontrunner in the Republican Party's nominating race. Biden, already the oldest U.S. president in history, seeks to convince voters of his stamina for another four-year term despite poor approval ratings. His campaign has emphasized defending American democracy, particularly highlighting the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters as a pivotal issue. The economy, Biden's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, infrastructure spending, and foreign policy, especially the response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, are central themes of his reelection campaign. However, he also faces challenges, including criticism of his immigration policy and the need to address concerns about inflation and the cost of living​​​​​​.

Biden's reelection bid is seen as a historic and risky gamble for the Democratic Party, given his age and the potential for facing a much younger Republican candidate. His campaign will likely focus on his policy achievements, including job creation, economic growth, the lowest unemployment rates since 1969, and significant infrastructure investments. Moreover, Biden has taken a strong stance on various social issues, promising actions on gun regulation, abortion rights, and further infrastructure development. His campaign slogan, "Let's finish the job," encapsulates his appeal to voters to continue the work started during his first term​​.

Despite concerns about his age, with 44% of Democrats in a Reuters/Ipsos poll saying he is too old to run, Biden's campaign is buoyed by confidence from his aides that he can defeat Trump again, as indicated by his lead over Trump among registered voters in the same poll. However, the majority of registered voters express reluctance for either Biden or Trump to run again, reflecting a broader desire for new leadership. Biden's candidacy also comes at a time when the Democratic Party faces a challenging election map to hold the Senate in 2024 and currently holds the minority in the House of Representatives. His age, if re-elected, would make him 86 by the end of a prospective second term, significantly older than the average U.S. life expectancy for males​​.

In summary, Biden's 2024 reelection campaign is marked by his extensive political experience, policy achievements, and leadership during challenging times. However, it also underscores the Democratic Party's challenge in rallying support amid concerns over Biden's age and the desire among some voters for new leadership. The coming months will be critical for Biden to articulate his vision for a second term and to convince voters that he remains the best candidate to lead the United States in facing domestic and international challenges.

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